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Spider Cranes

S.NoBrand & ModelLifting CapacityMaximum Lift HeightMaximum Working RadiusMachine WeightMachine Dimension (length x width x height)Power TypeOutrigger Footprint When Max. ExtendedMaximum Outrigger LoadLoad ChartSpec Sheet PDF
2Jekko (JF40)On Pulley 0.99tons @ 3.7m & On Hook 2.50tons @ 1.5 m8.40 m6.80 m1550 kgs2.38m x 0.78m x 1.82m Petrol & 230V AC4.56m x 4.56m1530 kgjf40-load-chartDownload Now
3Jekko (SPX312)1.20 tons @ 1.9m10.90 m9.50 m"1800 – 2100 kgs (option dependent)"2.79m x 0.77m x 1.60mBattery & 230V AC3.70m x 3.70m1850 kgSPX312-load-chartDownload Now
4Jekko (SPX424)2.40 tons @ 1.9m15.20 m11.80 m"2080 – 2700 kgs (option dependent)"3.15m x 0.78m x 1.95m Diesel & 230V AC3.75m x 3.75m2200 kgSPX424-load-chartDownload Now
11Jekko (SPX532)3.20 tons @ 1.8 m17.30 m14.80 m"2350 – 2920 kgs (option dependent)"3.12m x 0.77m x 1.95m Diesel & 400V AC4.40m X 4.40m3000 kgSPX532-load-chartDownload Now
12Jekko (SPX536)3.60 tons @ 1 m18.50 m11.20 m"3600 – 3910 kgs (option dependent)"4.15m x 1.1m x 1.96mDiesel & 400V AC4.16m X 4.16m2700 kgSPX536-load-chartDownload Now
14UNIC (URW-547)4 tons @ 2.5 m18.20 m17.80 m5160 kgs4.96m x 1.40m x 1.98m Diesel & 400V AC5.94m x 5.90mN/AURW547-load-chartDownload Now
15Jekko (SPX650)5.0 tons @ 1.0 m23.50 m20.00 m"5700 – 6330kgs (option dependent)"4.46m x 0.98m x 2.02m Diesel & 400V AC4.50m x 4.50m4800 kgSPX650-load-chartDownload Now
16UNIC (URW706-2)6.0 tons @ 3.0 m19.20 m18.60 m"8080 – 8310kgs (option dependent)"5.61m x 1.67m x 2.19mDiesel & 400V AC6.28m x 6.48mN/AURW706-load-chartDownload Now
17Jekko (SPX1275)7.5 tons @ 1.0 m26.50 m20.00 m"6800 – 9250kgs (option dependent)"5.85m x 1.45m x 2.04m Diesel & 400V AC4.61m x 4.61m6800 kgSPX1275-load-chartDownload Now
18Jekko (SPX1280)8.0 tons @ 1.0 m26.60 m20.00 m9185 kgs5.85m x 1.45m x 2.04m Diesel & 400V AC4.61m x 4.61m6800 kgSPX1280-load-chartDownload Now
19UNIC (URW1006)10.0 tons @ 3.0 m32.00 m21.90 m 14000 kgs6.06m x 2.0m x 2.46mDiesel & 400V AC7.23m x 6.66mN/AURW1006-load-chartDownload Now

Spider Cranes

Spider Access is your trusted supplier of Spider Crane Hire in Dubai. The wide selection of spider cranes is made to perform a range of tasks of lifting with accuracy and effectiveness. When you have to gain access to restricted spaces, traverse difficult terrains, or execute precise maneuvers, our cranes are the ideal solution for an array of tasks.

Spider Cranes
Convenient Spider Crane Rental Options

A spider crane rental from Spider Access is a convenient and flexible solution for your lifting needs. No matter if you require a crane for just a period, for a day, or for a long time our rental options are flexible for the choices to meet your needs. Our crew is committed to delivering a smooth rental experience that ensures you get the best equipment for maximizing the effectiveness of your business.


Reliable and Well-Maintained Spider Cranes

We pride ourselves on providing high-quality and well-maintained spider cranes to our customers. Our cranes are regularly maintained and rigorous inspections to guarantee maximum performance and safety. When you use Spider Access, you can ensure that our cranes are in a good state, which allows the lifting to be done effortlessly and with ease.

Expert Guidance and Support

We at Spider Access, our experienced staff are ready to give you the best advice and assistance throughout your spider crane hiring journey. If you require assistance choosing the best crane for your needs or you require technical training and support throughout your rental we are there to assist. We’re committed to making sure the success of your lifting needs.

Pick Spider Access as your trusted service provider for spider crane hire services within Dubai. Call us now to discuss your needs and to test the effectiveness, reliability, and comfort of Spider Access’s spider cranes.

We have Spider Lifts, Spider Cranes, Glass Lifters & Manipulators, Fork Lifts,Truck Mounted Boomlifts (Manlifts) , Boom Lifts (Manlifts), Scissor Lifts ,Miscellaneous Machines Types of lift available which is also help you to complete  your construction projects.

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